The blog editor cannot be held responsible for any numbers that are changed subsequent to the posting of this message. For your best bet, get a copy of Athens Plus (2 Euro, weekly English paper published every Friday) at the Athens airport's newsstand / bookstore, and read page 47 for useful numbers and opening hours of tourist attractions, page 45-46 also give you info on public transportation.
Ref Source:
歐盟推廣歐洲緊急電話號碼, 只要在歐盟內的國家都可以用這緊急號碼:112
誰是歐盟國? 請參考
GENERAL 希臘境內一般
Police 警察: 100
Tourist Police 旅遊警察: 171
Fire Dept 消防隊: 199
Forest Fire Coordination Center 森林火災協調中心: 191
Ambulance (Greek called EKAB) 救護車: 166
Poison Center 中毒中心: 210-7793777
On duty hospitals & drugstores: 14944, or go to the English reference source below to read.
歐盟推廣歐洲緊急電話號碼, 只要在歐盟內的國家都可以用這緊急號碼:112
誰是歐盟國? 請參考
GENERAL 希臘境內一般
Police 警察: 100
Tourist Police 旅遊警察: 171
Fire Dept 消防隊: 199
Forest Fire Coordination Center 森林火災協調中心: 191
Ambulance (Greek called EKAB) 救護車: 166
Poison Center 中毒中心: 210-7793777
On duty hospitals & drugstores: 14944, or go to the English reference source below to read.
International Operator 國際電話接線員: 139
Directory Assistance 目錄查詢:11888
The Taipei Representative Office 210-677-6750 can probably help you with other numbers of enquiries on emergency but only within their office hour 代表處在其辦公時間內可幫您查尋其他緊急電話號碼
萬一如EU緊急電話號碼112不通時, Tourist Police 旅遊警察在雅典市: 171
Outside Athens dial 在雅典市之外(但不包括THESSALONIKI) 打: 01-171 according to the reference source stated below, 但如打不通,則可能只是: 171,還沒打過所以不知道
Tourist police 旅遊警察: 2310-554871
Aliens Bureau 外國人事務: 2310-555958
萬一如EU緊急電話號碼112不通時, Tourist Police 旅遊警察在雅典市: 171
Outside Athens dial 在雅典市之外(但不包括THESSALONIKI) 打: 01-171 according to the reference source stated below, 但如打不通,則可能只是: 171,還沒打過所以不知道
Greece's country code is 30, Athens city area code is 210, dialing a local phone number in Athens is: 210 plus the 7-digit number in Athens, but in other smaller cities or villages, the local number is: the area code plus the 6-digit number.
Aliens Bureau 外國人事務: 210-3405888, SOS Doctors (24 hr) 雅典24 小時醫生: 1016, Roadside Assistance 汽車路旁援助: 10400, Express Service (towing service) 拖車服務:1154, Coast Gurad 海岸警衛隊: 108
THESSALONIKI 塞薩洛尼基(北方大城):
Police emergency 緊急警察: 100Tourist police 旅遊警察: 2310-554871
Aliens Bureau 外國人事務: 2310-555958
Reference Source: go to scroll down the page and on the left side under information, click "Health & Emergency" (some numbers listed there appear to be out of date, and I have referenced 2 other sources to edit this post), or go to and click any past edition of the paper and wait for it to download (doesn't take very long time), then go to page 47, many other useful numbers are listed there. It is strongly recommended that you read the last few pages of Athens Plus prior to your arrival in Greece.
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