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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Lexicon for Sea Animals 海產詞典

This past Monday was Clean Monday celebrated by the Eastern Orthodox Church. It marks the beginning of an approximately 40 days of fasting that leads up to the Easter Day. Although it is a religious holiday, it is also a designated national holiday in Greece (but not in Romania I was told). On Clean Monday, people of the Greek Orthodox religion eat sea food (without blood), or vegetables, or grains, but not meat, nor dairy product, nor eggs, nor olive oil in their attempt to start cleaning-up their body systems, so the strict religious followers will start fasting for about 40 days from the Clean Monday until the Easter Day.

Another activity the Greeks do on Clean Monday is that they fly kites, so people flock to the mountains or seashores to fly kites. It is a day of outing for the whole family. I don’t know why they fly kites on Clean Monday, it needs some research to answer this question.

I just thought about collecting a lexicon for sea animals in 3 languages (English, Greek, Chinese), and I hope the readers can help me to make it more complete.

A lexicon for sea animals 海產詞典 (updated with abundant links)

Sea Invertebrate (without a backbone / spinal column)

English Greek Chinese

abalone το αυτί της θάλασσας 鮑魚

clam (variety: giant clam geoduck) η αχιβάδα

cockle το κυδώνι

crab ο κάβουρας 螃蟹

cuttlefish η σουπιά 墨魚

jellyfish η μέδουσα / η τσούχτρα 海蜇 / 水母

lobster ο αστακός 龍蝦

mussel το μύδι

octopus το χταπόδι 八爪魚

oyster το στρείδι 蚵/ 牡蠣

scallop το χτένι 扇貝

scampi η καραβίδα

shrimp, prawn (click the link which explains how the two differ) η γαρίδα 小蝦

snail το σαλιγκάρι 蝸牛

squid (variety: Colossal squid) το καλαμάρι 魷魚烏賊

whelk το βούκινο

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