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Thursday, July 16, 2009

This Taiwan rice is tastier than the Uncle Ben’s

The Japanese held a contest on the best quality rice competition in which 2000 some entries were submitted from the USA, South Korea, Japan, China, and Taiwan, and 25 prizes were awarded. Of the near 50 entries from Taiwan’s farmers, 4 Taiwanese farmers had won some prizes, of which two were Taiwan’s Amis tribe indigenous farmers, and of these two, one won a GOLD medal, congratulations to Mr. Wang Guo-quan (王國權)!

The TITV (Taiwan Indigenous TV) had a video about these two award-winning rice growing farmers.

And I hope the government of Taiwan will not dump nuclear waste on a mostly indigenous inhabited village of Da-jen () in Tai-tung county, not only because the location was said by experts to be geologically unfit, but also because we should always think of ways to improve the lives of less privileged people by introducing some sustainable economic but environmental friendly activities that would help them pull out of poverty but still enable them to live at their place, activities such as farming, or aboriginal arts and handicrafts for tourists, etc.

Enticing them with some money to turn their place into a dump site is simply not an ethical solution!

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