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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Greek Election 2012 - photos related to current affairs

a statue in downtown Athens

a close-up of the same statue shows the Greek words (with my translation): Greece wants to live, and it will

I hops so, but unless the Greek politicians cooperate and set aside their differences, plus the parliament "cleans its house", it may become like the old Greece shortly after the Second World War.

If I were a Troika official, this will be one of my negotiation demands: that the newly-elected Greek MPs from tomorrow's election receive only the minimum wage with no extra benefits what so ever.

The Troika should have scrutined the operating cost of the Greek parliament compared to those of the other European countries.

The Troika was partially responsible for fueling the development of the SYRIZA and other extremist groups because the cut on MPs salaries & benefits is minimal compared to the austerity inflicted upon the most vulnerable people in the society.

a photo of Greek president Karolos Papoulias from my TV during a military parade on March 25 2010, but a military parade on October 28 2011 was cancelled due to a demonstration partly sponsored by SYRIZA.

People should not vent their anger on Papoulias (not a traitor), nor on foreign advisors trying to bailout Greece (not invaders).

Anarchists had drawn graffti all over the city of Athens including on historical buildings

a close-up of the same building shows the Greek words (with my translation): gasoline and fire on each bank

After tomorrow's election, if SYRIZA wins the majority, will the anarchisis still be against the "government" ? Or will Tsipras dispatch SYRIZA party volunteers to clean-up all the anti-government slogans in Athens?

marble pieces were smashed and removed during protests, this is what's left on a peaceful day near Syntagma (the Constitution Square)

a statue of a hero named Kolokotronis during the Greek War of Independence (1821 - 1832) in downtown Athens

a close-up of the same statue with more clear Greek words (with my translation): riot now, the rest is in English: Fxxx heroes, fight now, and the anarchist's symbol - an encircled capital letter A

The original text underneath the graffiti is in ancient Greek, I can only read partially due to my lack of knowledge, and if you can read the whole text, please provide translation in the reader's comment area.

Anarchists in Greece do not just disobey government authority, they are hooligans that destroy their country's economy (as in riots & lootings of commercial streets after demonstrations), as well as tourism industry (who wants to see historical buildings covered with graffiti?)

Greece is a fertile country, poorly managed by its corrupted politicians, and wounded by the self destruction force of its anarchists

vs. a statue in Munich's Marienplatz - no graffiti, how nice for a tourist to shoot

vs. a statue in Munich's Nymphenburg Palace - again no graffiti

sometimes instead of graffiti, the road sign is changed or covered up, here the station name "θησείο" (Thi-si-o) had been altered to "Οησείο" (o-i-si-o)

a pole supporting a surveillance camera near downtown's bus terminal with anarchist's writing (with my translation): break the cameras

Τράπεζα της Ελλάδος (Bank of Greece) near Metro station Panepistimio on Eleftheriou Venizelou Street - has no authority to print Euro bills

a statue commemorating the end of using the Greek Drahma - showing a drahma coin (ΔΡΑΧΜΗ)

a close-up of the lower part of the statue with fine print saying (with my translation): Drahma, the oldest currency in Europe stopped (circulation), and replaced by Euro on January 1, 2002

Greek traditional dance being demonstrated during a Greek festival in Munich June 27, 2010

I am happy to see the Greek traditional costume demonstrated at the same event because I haven't had a chance to shoot such a nice traditional dress here in Greece

Greek fast food being served

Greek fast food menu in German

My boy's playmate's father, a US-educated aerospace engineer, has been working in Germany for years, a family involuntarily separated by the reality of lack of work opportunity (and of people connection) here in Greece.  When his landlord decided to take his rental apartment for own use recently after many years of living in the same apartment, it took him a long time to locate a new apartment because Greeks are no longer welcome in Germany although he works there and contributes to the German GDP.

You may wonder why the rest of his family did not join him, well his wife is the only child of her family and her aging parents cannot adjust to different climate and ways of living, let along learning a new language.

When the Olympic Airline privatized a few years ago, his resume for applying for a lower-paying job in Greece (so he can be with his family) had gone unanswered probably due to his lack of connection in Greece.

Whereas a freind of my husband - a computer professor who had earned enough money abroad and had decided to return (about 5+ years ago) to contribute his expertise to teaching his beloved country's students may have started to question his wrong decision.

Other Greeks overseas may feel "no pride being a Greek", or have to conceal his identity for safety reasons.

Meanwhile, the "Greek potato revolution" which was in its peak in late Feburary and early March, had disappearred?  The potato price in supermarkets remain just about as expensive as before, only slightly better than before - now at about 55 to 90 cents per kilo depending on the variety

Some Greek business is still doing well overseas - a window of the Folli Folli, a Greek designer jewellery chain, is showing that their stores are being opened one after another in many countries including Taiwan

The people of Greece are pushed to this stage where they have to pick between an experienced party that had participated in this country's most famous national sport - corruption, which was initiated by the PASOK, or an inexperienced SYRIZA who knows nothing about governing, but very experienced in rioting.

Alternatively, the politicians in Greece can set aside their differences and rebuild their bankrupt country through cooperations.

God bless Greece!

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